It is no secret that you can reach more of your client base by using social networking tools, however online promotion requires knowledge of how to engage your followers as well as a sense for what not to say or do. The internet itself is relatively new, so it makes sense that not everyone has a strong awareness of what is appropriate professional etiquette. The adaptation could be especially difficult for someone who was already in the workforce for years prior to the widespread use of the internet. If you want to keep up with current trends and make use of all accessible avenues for advertisement, it is necessary to gain a functional understanding of how to conduct yourself online when representing your business or organization.

Components of Successful Social Media Management

1. Consistency. When you are communicating with your online audience, maintaining a similar tone and post frequency are key. Developing a personality for your business’s online presence is an integral part of making your followers feel like they know your brand on a personal level. If you post every day for a week and then not at all for a month, you will certainly lose people. Also, if the purpose of your content is hard to identify, your viewers will likely stray because you have not clarified your online presence.

2. Engage Followers. When you are sharing content through social media, ask yourself how you might prompt people to respond. If people feel blasted by information from your posts rather than invited in, it can be a deterrent for subscribers. Getting your audience involved can be as simple as posing a question or holding occasional contests.

3. Investment. Setting aside time and perhaps designating a specific person to pursue your online presence can pay off. People often make the mistake of thinking they can set up a social media account and that it will somehow be self-sufficient. Success comes when you are willing to put in hard work to research your audience and find out how to reach them. Do not be afraid to see how your competitors are handling their online personas.

4. Do not underestimate the power of your email list. Many people receive an email instantly on their phone. This is a great way to reach people, and if done consistently with information that is valuable to your consumers, eventually your subscribers may be expecting that weekly newsletter, promotion, etc. Try not to go overboard though; you do not want to flood someone’s inbox with frivolous content.