1. Do you have social media accounts representing your business that are separate from your personal accounts?

2. Do you consistently post information that is relevant and reliable?

3. Have you taken time to review the demographics most likely to follow your business or organization?

4. When sharing information, do you prompt followers to engage?

5. Have you studied the strategies used by other successful businesses in social media?

Answering “no” to any or most of the above questions may be an indicator that you are missing opportunities to reach your target audience successfully. To some people, social media usage comes naturally, however it is important to review your own strategies to ensure that you are effectively networking and promoting yourself online. Having a thorough understanding of how to represent yourself in a positive light is necessary in order to grow internet based skills and prevent damage to the reputation of your organization.

To more fully investigate these issues, please read the accompanying article: Using Social Media to Grow Your Business.